
SOHO presents SoEXHIBITION: Brugnon travels: first stop Bulgaria - 19.10-21.10.2016, 19:00h

SOHO - Sofia Holistic Coworking Company

SOHO presents SoEXHIBITION: Brugnon travels: first stop Bulgaria - 19.10-21.10.2016, 19:00h
Brugnon travels: first stop Bulgaria е изложба с комиксите на пътешестващия Максим Бруньо - млад френски художник и талантлив дизайнер, чиято първа дестинация е именно България. Идеята за събитието се реализира съвсем случайно, но с неслучайно огромно количество ентусиазъм. Стартира със среща между Максим и Мари - създателката на Madame Bulgaria - Blog about Bulgaria и се канализира след втора среща между тях и нас, за да бъде на ваше разположение за точно 48 часа! Повече за автора можете да откриете тук: https://brugnon.wordpress.com/ Вход свободен и отворен точно 2880 минути. ___________________________________________ SoExhibition: charging the walls in SOHO with soul food that comes in the shape of paintings, photos and installations. Brugnon travels: first stop Bulgaria is an exhibition with comics, created by the travelling Maxim Brugnon - a young and talanted French artist and designer, whose first stop is Bulgaria. The idea for the event happened almost accidentally, but with intentional amount of enthusiasm. It started with a meeting between Maxim and Marie – the creator of Madame Bulgaria - Blog about Bulgaria, and channels after a second meeting between them and us, so it can be at your disposal for exactly 48 hours! More information about the author can be found here: https://brugnon.wordpress.com/ The entry is free and the doors are open exactly 2880 minutes.
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