Dear Madams,
Dear Sirs,
With regard to the immense needs of the Japanese population, we would like to launch a donation appeal – also on behalf of His Excellency the Grand Hospitaller Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager - to support the relief efforts which will be so desperately required in that area in the coming days, weeks and months.
So far, more than 1,300 people are reported to have died, with many more injured or missing. The death toll is still expected to rise as well as the number of injured and homeless. The earthquake triggered fires and caused severe damage to numerous buildings. 10-metre-high waves pushed inline and left a trail of destruction. However, the real damage will only become apparent within the next days. And no one can yet foresee the consequences of the radiation that has leaked from an unstable nuclear reactor north of Tokyo today. Innumerable people will be in dire need of assistance.
At present, the Sovereign Order of Malta Worldwide Relief “Malteser International” has taken the following measures:
Malteser International is in close contact with various partners in Japan – among others a school in Tokyo where Malteser volunteers have set up a first aid service, the Jesuits and the Caritas.
Malteser International provides initial 25,000 Euros out of its emergency relief funds to be added to the 50,000 Euros already provided by Caritas international.
Malteser International is continuously reinforcing its network and communication exchange with local partners like the Jesuits and the Caritas in order to financially support their relief measures on the ground.
Finally, Malteser International is glad to inform you that with regard to yesterday’s tsunami warning for the whole Pacific region, the disaster preparedness measures which we have been installing in our project region in West Papua since July 2010 have turned out to work perfectly. All villagers from the 11 villages in Malteser International’s project region in Manokwari/West-Papua could be warned and evacuated in due time and have returned safely to their villages this morning.
Please join our network of relief and launch your own donation appeal in order to support the people in Japan suffering from the earthquake and tsunami.
If you prefer, use directly the following Malteser International account for transfer:
Donation Account 2020270; Pax-Bank Köln, von-Werth-Str. 25-27, D-50670 Köln, Germany,
Sort Code : 370 60 193; IBAN : DE74 3706 0193 0002 0202 70; BIC: GENODED1PAX,
Reference : “Tsunami Pacific region”
We hope that any and all help that these people require can be provided for. Thank you very much for your support. We will keep you informed.
With best regards,
Embassy of the
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
in Bulgaria
92, Vasil Levski blvd., Sofia 1504
Tel/Fax: +359 02 8439861
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